Computer Science
The Computer Science Department offers courses designed to assist students in developing skill sets that will serve as a foundation for their college and business careers in dense technological environments. Students learn problem solving techniques, computer maintenance and file management skills, techniques for using email and the Internet as research and communication tools, basic computer applications, fundamental programming concepts, and multimedia presentation skills (graphics creation and manipulation, video and audio editing). Cooperative learning is a significant component of these courses as students are encouraged to work together on projects requiring multiple skills as well as creative talent.
The Computer Science Department has one student computer lab which is connected to the Internet and to the school’s LAN (Local Area Network). Lab119 is designed to support general student use (word processing and internet research) as well as high-end desktop publishing and multimedia presentation design (computer generated graphics and digital audio/video editing). It is equipped with 25 iMac computers running both Microsoft Windows 7 and Mac Snow Leopard. The lab has a high-end scanner, a laser printer and a color laser printer. A ceiling mounted projector provides large screen displays of computer desktops for training purposes as well as for other multimedia presentations.
Microsoft Office 2010 is the main software suite along with Adobe Creative Suite 3 (Acrobat Professional, Illustrator, PhotoShop, DreamWeaver, Flash, InDesign) for graphics creation, desktop publishing, and web design. Audacity (sound editing), Geometer's SketchPad, Visual Basic, Inspiration, and Adobe Production Studio(digital video editing) are some of the specialized programs used in the lab.
The Department also has six Canon digital video cameras, two Sony HD digital video cameras, a wide range of digital still cameras for student and club use including a Canon Xsi SLR digital camera., 12 pressure-sensitive graphing tablets, and two digital audio recorders.
Computer Foundations is required of all freshmen. Elective courses include Databases and Spreadsheets, Advanced Word Processing and Multimedia Presentations, Web Site Design and Development, Computer Graphics and Design, Introduction to Adobe Flash, Digital Storytelling, Business Technology, and Introduction to Visual Basic. Advanced students can be accommodated through individualized course work in Visual C++ and Java.