Mathematics - Mercy High School

Personal Focus. Global Perspective. Mercy Changes Everything.


The study of mathematics is important for the development of higher level thinking skills. Studying mathematics contributes to logical thinking, abstract thinking, and critical thinking. It promotes analytical reasoning and problem-solving skills and is a fundamental part of a balanced education. 

At Mercy High School we require four years of mathematical study and additionally offer Financial Literacy as an elective Senior year.

All students take a diagnostic test prior to entering high school and begin a course progression at Mercy High School consistent with their math proficiency as determined by qualifying tests. Placement is fluid and is re-evaluated annually to account for student growth and progress.

Sample sequences include:

  1. Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II and either Finite Math, Introductory to Pre-Calculus and/or Statistics (H).
  2. Honors Algebra I, Honors Geometry, Honors Algebra II and Honors Pre-Calculus and/or Statistics (H).
  3. Geometry (H), Algebra II (H), Pre-Calculus (H), Calculus AB (H/AP) and/or Statistics (H).
  4. Algebra II (H), Pre-Calculus (H), Calculus AB (H/AP), Calculus BC (H/AP) and/or Statistics (H).